Thursday 2 August 2007

Month 1

Paypal Account £47.75
Natwest £3.69
ING Savings £0.03

Total £51.47

Wednesday 25 July 2007

When the going gets tough !!

Well I supposed it had to happen....I've hit my first slump.

It doesn't help that I've been working alot, and not had much time to get online, but I've not made much progress recently. I 'm still selling a CD every couple of days, but they all seem to be going for 99p rather than 4.99 and I need to sort out more to sell.

I'm not really sure how to get out of this slump. I guess I'll have to keep focussed ( this blog helps ) and really force myself to keep putting stuff onto ebay. I must remember this will not make me a millionaire overnight. Its going to be a long hard slog, and little and often is the way so just keep plugging away.

Next target is £100 in my account and to move some money into my ING direct account which will start to gain interest.

Thursday 12 July 2007

First Milestone Achieved

Wow...what a start !!

I've sold about 20 of my old CD's. Some gone for only 99p but others at my Buy-It-Now of 4.99 and some in between.

So today I hit my first milestone of £50 in my paypal account.!!

That's gross and iI still have to take off the post and packaging costs but nevertheless I'm really pleased with that in the first two weeks.

Now I need to keep up the listings and see if I can get up to £100 in my first month, that would be a real achievement !!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Like a snowball

Well...another sale at the BIN price

I don't want to get overconfident but things look good so far.

I must just remember to keep adding items, I haven't today as I've been at work and I think the key to success is to get lots of stuff listed to get people looking at all my items, not just the odd one....

Page views equal prizes

Monday 2 July 2007

First sale

Phew...Only 2 days in and my first sale. Woo-Hoo !!

And rather than the auction price I got my Buy It Now price.
Its gone to Canada, so that proves its best to sell worldwide as the customer base is so much bigger.

The next thing I need to do is to track how much money I have got and where it is, and make sure that I keep track of my post and packaging costs and ebay fees.

I guess the easiest way to do that is to use Microsoft money and set up a couple of accounts within it just for this project. One for my paypal account, and one for a savings account. I can transfer money into the savings account whenever I get over £50 in paypal and then it will be earning 5% interest.

They always makes money !!

Friday 29 June 2007

The Beginning

Here we go then..... 3 items listed on ebay. I wish I had time to do more, but I have to go to work unfortunately.
I hope I can remain motivated. 3 items a day would be a good rate of listing and should generate a lot of views if people can start checking my other listings !! And more views equals more bids I hope.